Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Omega - 3 The Amazing Truth

If you are a fan of the Dr. Oz show you may have seen his recent segment on omega-3 oils.  Since we do not get to go to the ocean and hand pick our salmon or sardines our omega levels depend highly on our supplements.  We are inundated with marketing schemes to promote a product.  Dr. Oz made it clear today that most products market "omegas!" but it is actually omega-6, which in large doses is actually detrimental to our health. 

As the show was running and went and grabbed my bottle of Omega-3s from Melaleuca.  Melaleauca has all the things Dr. Oz says to look for.  It must contain EPA, DHA, and be from cold water fish. 

Currently Melaleuca's Omega-3s are under the prenatal care category so you will see it refered to as such below, but the following is from Melaleuca.

Prenatal Omega-3 —90 softgels
What Makes It Different?
There are a number of prenatal omega-3 supplements one the market, but many of them are very costly or just a repackaging of existing heart-health supplements. The two Omega-3s most important to brain and eye development are DHA and EPA. Recent studies have found that the ideal ingredient balance appears to be twice as much DHA as EPA. Prenatal Omega-3 delivers these critical nutrients in the proper ingredient balance.*

Why Is That Important?
Primary brain development begins in the womb and continues through the first year of life. However, the average pregnant woman consumes only 14% of the recommended levels of DHA and EPA to support her developing child’s brain and eyes. And many prenatal vitamins do not include omega-3s. The DHA and EPA found in Prenatal Omega-3 support proper brain and eye development.*

It Works Because…
Prenatal Omega-3 is the first and only natural prenatal supplement that includes the recommended source of omega-3s (70% pure cold water fish oils) in the right balance (2:1 DHA:EPA) and at the right amount (1,400 mg) to support baby’s brain and eye development.* As an added convenience, Prenatal Omega-3 also has a natural lemon flavor to help mask the aftertaste some pregnant women experience. It is scientifically tested to be free of mercury, PCBs, and other contaminants. And it’s only available from Melaleuca.

What does it take to get the proper level of Omega-3s?
To get the DHA and EPA (1,000 mg DHA) from fish you would have to consume one of the following types and amounts of fish daily:†

  • 23 ounces of cod
  • 15 ounces of haddock
  • 20 ounces of catfish
  • 11 ounces of shrimp
  • 42.5 ounces of lobster
  • 3 ounces of sardines
  • 4.5 ounces of salmon
  • 2 ounces of oysters
  • 17.5 ounces of trout
  • 12.5 ounces of clams
  • 17.5 ounces of scallops
†USDA data nutrient data lab
When Do I Take Prenatal Omega-3?
For best results, take 1 softgel three times per day with meals.

To order contact me today!

1 comment:

  1. Melaleuca definately the best in our experience. 5 star. Good healthy products at fair prices
